roach nest

Listen up yo! I enjoy all things cinematically interesting. Special interests in extreme foreign films. I will probably be talking mostly about film but also using this platform as an online journal for my ruminating thoughts and feelings! Wah!

My Latest Posts

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  • Nobody knows
    I often leave films that I know will affect me emotionally for moments where I am going through an emotional distress. A way to get me to cry and release that pent up energy. This was one of them. I got a soft spot in my heart for children. It tore me to pieces. kore-eda Hirokazu has always directed moving films with such simplicity and great casting. Akira (the eldest child) was so well developed and the other children do not fall short. The story is loosely based on a real case, but the characters were so well written and…More
  • Gangster
    I like gangster flicks and violence. If you don’t love Goodfellas then get outta here!! Inspiration: Goodfellas, The Godfather (all of them! Even that one!), the BeeGees and Cannibal Corpse, Reservoir dogs, Cowboy Bebop!Movies watched: Phantom of the paradise, Kekko Kamen returns, Dogma, Top Gun!, Maborosi, Paradise Now, Dead Ringers, Nope, The toolbox Murders! On another note, I’ve never been happier while simultaneously being the angriest and most cynical I have ever been. I’ve been out of control. Slave no more says she. Death is an opportunity if anything. It’s been teaching me to just go for it. And that’s…More
  • Permafried
    To the permafried: WHAT IS REALITY?! The common Florida man may know. Weed has gotten me through a lot. Am I dependent on it sometimes? Hell yeah. But it’s been getting better. I have definitely slowed down, but I won’t let it go. It helps me hyper focus on projects and makes everything look pretty! Yeeee! Now for the psychoanalysis: I am afraid to let go of weed. Dealing with my anxiety has been a struggle and weed helps smother it to the point where I can’t feel it. I’ll admit that’s not healthy. There have been times where I…More
  • Filip
    And this is filip. I knew the hardest part of this one would be trying to animate the mouth, failed! Lack of patience and experience were the culprits. Trying not to hate myself with the failure, see it as funny instead. I also struggled with the idea of destroying filip. He was so beautiful I just didn’t want to animate him at all. But inspiration was calling me. Another problem is camera quality, my phone don’t do zoom! (Also, Shudder is streaming Mad God and I am flipping out)Filip is all of us. Stretched thin until you’re almost see through.…More
  • Her
    And her name is Marcia. T’was just a foam head at Michael’s for $5! She’s part of a series I deemed as my creature feature (still in the works). They are creations that form themselves while I am just the mere conduit. I’ve been fascinated lately by the beauty of creation and the subjective nature of art. So, I’ve been finding it morally wrong to look at anybody’s art with a critical eye. Who am I to judge someone else’s perception of their own reality? All work is art, “bad” work is just a social construct. Fake News!!So, in other…More
  • Dat time I pooped outside for 5 months
    So I was broke. Just graduated good ole college and quickly spiraling into a lonely depressive episode. I was quitting all my jobs and couldn’t afford the Midwifery program I wanted to attend (I get a kick out of the idea of having some parasite in my body that most grow to love). And one day, while eating at my family’s favorite taco shop, my mother spots a flier for the California Conservation Corps. This organization is a work program for young adults between the ages of 18-25 (sometimes up to 29 if you’re a veteran). The work is hard…More
  • The film roach I am the film roach. I live in a wet humid area and hide in the darkest recesses of my mind (mostly hide in my dark bedroom). The link is too my IMDb page. Been working on this for the last 8 years. It’s everything I’ve ever seen. Always being updated. Some of them have been rated by me, but I have been meaning to get rid of that. I’ve been encouraged to do reviews and ratings for friends, but I found the act so wrong. I just couldn’t do it anymore. The thought in the back of my…More

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